
5 Juniors Shave Their Heads

A brief spell of spring lever and a little planning have left five Kirkland House juniors sporting just shines on their crowns.

Last Saturday, the group of friends took to the clippers and shaved their heads amidst music and dancing in their room.

"Summer is coming up and name of us have interviews. It was a spring thing to do," said sociology concentrator Marc D. McKay '94.

According to McKay, he and his buddies, Michael T. Agrillo '94, James M. Flaherty '94, Michael S. Porter '94, and Thomas C. Sullivan '94 realized that "this was our last chance to do it Senior year we have to be serious."

And McKay said the shearing test was not the result of mere whimsy.


"We got together and planned this," said McKay. "It wasn't anything done in a drunken stupor."

Commenting on the new coiffe, McKay's roommate Sullivan said. "It took longer than you would think, but we didn't just cut our hair."

It was a party, Sullivan said, with shaving as well as "music and dancing and just bouncing around."

After running scissors and clippers through their hair, McKay said the group "pulled out the Gillette Tracers and cleaned them [their heads] up nice."

And this spring shave might not be the last. McKay said. In fact, the students said they hope to make the event an ongoing tradition.

"We'll try to recruit some people to do it again next year," said McKay.
