
Spike Lee Returns Tomorrow

Director's Introductory Lectures Open to All Students

Sanders Theatre wasn't big enough for him last year. Tomorrow, Science Center lecture halls may be backed up to the Greenhouse Cafe register as Spike Lee returns to Harvard to teach two classes.

In what may become something of an annual ritual, students are expected to crowd the Science Center tomorrow to catch a glimpse of the famous director, screenwriter and actor as he delivers introductory lectures for courses on modern cinema and creative screenwriting.

Although both introductory lectures will be open to the Harvard community, this is a one-shot deal for most students, as Lee is once again limiting enrollment.

According to the English Department, the first meeting of English Oyr, the screen writing seminar, scheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow, was shifted yesterday from Sanders Theatre to Science Center D.

The Science Center auditorium holds about 300 students, while Sanders has a capacity of about 1200.


"I think Sanders Theatre was going to be too big," said English and American Literature department Undergraduate Assistant John Marquetti.

Last year, Lee taught Afro-American Studies 182, "Contemporary African American Cinema," which he will teach again this term.

Enrollment this year is expected to be limited to 25 students, down from 60 last year, and priority will again be given to Afro-American Studies and Visual and Environmental Studies concentrators. Lee will give the introductory lecture to the class at 1 p.m. in Science Center C.

According to the course catalog, English Oyr will focus more on students' own work and less on history or Lee's movies, and enrollment will be limited to 15 students.

Marquetti said Friday's class will deal only with procedures for selection to the screenwriting seminar, which are as yet unknown.

Last year, the first open Lee lecture crammed Sanders, the College's largest lecture hall, and several hundred eager students were turned away.
