
Social Clubs Attract Ethnic Groups

Greeks, Poles, Haitians, Portuguese, Hispanics Have Their Own Places

While Harvard students endure the February blues poring over books in Lamont or chatting with friends in dining halls, some Cambridge residents spend their evenings in the company of friends at one of Cambridge's ethnic social clubs.

The clubs, which are run by and serve members of Cambridge's many diverse communities, provide members with an atmosphere which allows them to speak their native languages and discuss issues which affect their groups.

Members of the all-male Greek-American Political Club say they meet at the club house every day after work to relax before dinner.

Last Thursday afternoon, more than 50 older men gathered around brown, plastic-topped tables in the social hall of the club, playing cards, nursing drinks, smoking cigars and swapping stories in Greek. Mirrored walls reflected a bar, a dart board and flyers advertising Greek restaurants and events.

Nikolaos Fragopoulos, the club's president, said the organization's primary purpose is to sponsor lectures and activities which concern Greek-Americans.


"We get involved in the Goddamn politics, just the way your university does," Fragopoulos said.

Fragopoulos said the club, located on Green Street in Central Square, also serves as a social club for its more than 300 members.

"Most of the time we play hearts--we play for quarters...hearts or backgammon," Fragopoulos said. "Once in a while we have a party."

Monoli Delegas, a long-time club member, said he comes to the club every night to play games and visit with friends.

"I'm here each night," Delegas said, "Usually I drink Greek coffee--not like Nick [Fragopoulos]. He drinks only white wine."

Club members's wives do not frequent the club, Fragopoulos said, but are welcome whenever there is a party.

Delegas said his wife prefers him to be at the club.

"When I say I go to the club," Delegas explained, "She knows I'll be home in time for dinner."

Delegas said wives are more comfortable knowing their husbands are at the club because "they always know where they are."

Co-Ed Polish Club
