
Non-Member Voted in U.C. Chair Election

Rep. Appointed Roommate To Leverett Delegation

A student who is not a member of the Undergraduate Council voted as part of the Leverett House delegation in Sunday night's election for council chair.

Michael S. Warnick '94, the head of Levertte's delegation and a political supporter of Undergraduate Council Chair Michael P. Beys '94-violated council policy and appointed his roommate Alexios Apazidis '94 to vote in the election, which Beys won.

Beys said yesterday that although he knew that Apazidis was at the meeting, he said he was not aware that Apazidis had voted.

Apazidis said yesterday he was selected by Warnick because "Michael is my roommate and he knew that I was interested in the UC."

Apazidis would not comment on how he voted. However, Apazidis said he and Beys are friends, Beys said yesterday he shares similar political views with Apazidis and Warnick.


"They Apazidis and Warnick are supporters of mine," Beys said. "They believe in my vision of Harvard."

Apazidis said he voted in the Leverett seat vacated in December by Amy H. Mezulis '94, who is studying in England this semester.

"I voted because I was appointed by Michael Warnick," Apazidis said.

Warnick said yesterday that he appointed Apazidis to protect Leverett House interests. "As delegation chair I felt that Leverett House should have its full number of votes," Warnick said.

But according to Beys and former Vice Chair Steven A. Kalkanis '95, a new council member must either be approved by a general election with in the house of by approval from both the house committee and the house delegation to the council.

"The house committee can team up with the delegation of the house to appoint a new member," Beys said.

According to Melissa M. Kwee '94, Leverett House committee to chair. Apazidis has not been approved by the house committee, and elections to fill the vacancy have not yet been held.

But a copy of the council's roster prepared immediately after Sunday's elections, obtained by the Crimson, lists Apazidis as a Leverett House delegate.

Warnick said he was not aware until this week of the process for filling a vacated post. But Kalkanis, who as vice chair was supposed to ensure that vacancies are filled properly, said he left repeated phone messages with Warnick in early January to inform him that he must hold an election.

Kalkanis said Warnick told him in mid-January that he was in the process of organizing elections.

Bunnie M. Lempesis '94 said she also left many phone messages last month for Warnick, saying that she wanted to fill the vacant seat. But she said Warnick only contacted her this past week--just days after Beys' victory and weeks after her inquiry.

Lempesis said Apazidis told her on Monday--the morning after Beys was elected chair--that he would not run for a seat because "he had gone to a meeting and decided he didn't want to serve on the council."

Apazidis said when he spoke to Lempesis Monday morning, he told her she could have the seat. "She sounded like she really wanted to join the UC," Apazidis said. "I said if you really wanted to do it, you can have my seat."

"I doubt that it was coincidence that he did this the day after the election," Lempesis said. "I know a lot of people on the UC, and rumors fly."

Warnick said yesterday that elections to replace Mezulis will be held this weekend or early next week--six weeks after Mezulis left
