
FM Profiles

Ivan D. Dmochowski '94

Headline Ignore this Ax

Home: Falmouth, Mass. and Cabot House Library Suite

Concentration: Chemistry (but not a pre-med)

Et cetera: A roommate named Ivan for two years

What it was like living with another Ivan for two years: I guess it was great. But at times I forgot who I was. For example, I would forget my name and then remembered his name. This happened a lot on Sunday mornings. We shared a bunk bed, you know.


His reason for joining the crew team instead of The Harvard Crimson: For the babes.

What he'd choose, given a choice of vodka or women: Benjamin Franklin is my role model, and I believe he would take women over vodka. Uh, that means I guess I would do the same.

His favorite actress: I love Julia Roberts' lips. I have seen most of her movies. I am disappointed that she married Lyle Lovett.

The kind of woman he'd like to marry: Someone just like my mother. You know, someone who is warm, intelligent and has a good sense of humor.

What he'd name his kids: I don't know. I have thought about it but I think it's a decision your wife has a big say in. But I definitely want to have three kids.

Why three: One is not enough and four is too many. I love kids.

What he sees himself doing fifteen years from now: Are you look for a serious response to this? Most seriously: I would be involved in science. But--I would probably be a model for department stores and do science on the side.

Would he consider doing underwear commercials: I wouldn't want to do underwear commercials, because I am a family man and don't want my kids to see their dad in underwear on TV.

Whether or not people think he's older than he actually is: I don't think I look older than I am. I have a baby face, as I have been told. But I think I act my age.

His opinion of Arnold Schwazennegger: He looks far too large. Of course, in movies everything is bigger than life.

If he's changed since freshman year: Yeah. I've developed a taste for fine chocolate and good coffee.

Coolest thing about living in the library suite: Well, there are ghosts from Radcliffe who haunt us. And we have a jar of gelfilte fish passed down by several generations of suite residents.
