
Brit Editor Attacks Feminism

The editor of a British conservative periodical visited the campus last night and argued that radical feminism represents a threat to society.

Roger Scruton, an English and philosophy professor at Boston University, told about 10 members of the Harvard Conservative Club that men are inherently more aggressive than women, and that women are more inclined to be "sheltering."

Scruton, who is the editor of the quarterly Salisbury Review, said both sexes would benefit if "radical feminists" would acknowledge these differences.

Scruton made a distinction between "consitutional feminists," who advocate basic equality between and men and women, and "radical feminists," who want the whole social order to be remade in the interest of women.

He said that he has no problem with the constitutional feminists, only with the radicals.


Scruton said conservatives have trouble responding to the radicals because conservatives naturally believe in careful deliberation.

"How can anyone scream out for moderation?" he asked rhetorically.

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