
Homeless Man Dies In Winthrop Park

Friend Says Alcohol Was Factor in Death

A homeless man died last night while lying on a bench in the park on the corner of Winthrop and JFK streets.

Anthony Haskell, in his late 20s, was found by another homeless man, Robert W. Klotz, "completely passed out on the park bench" shortly after 10 p.m.

Klotz said Haskell had a faint heartbeat and was breathing but was unconscious. After attempting mouth-to-mouth recuscitation, Klotz sent a friend to call an ambulance.

"I tried to save his life," Klotz said. "I gave it my best shot."

Police said they found Haskell deceased at about 10:30 p.m. Police said the man might have had AIDS.


"No one disliked Tony," said Klotz. "This was not a murder. I think he died because of drinking."

Klotz said that the one time he drank with him, Haskell passed out after taking just two swallows.

"I carried him around the corner and told the police to take him to a treatment center," said Klotz.
