
It's Decided: We Win, 5-2

On The John

It's that time of year again: the Beanpot's back. This is the big time. It's the Hub's version of the Final Four. The World Series of local college hockey. Harvard, BU, BC and Northeastern pitted against each other in puck to puck combat. The winner takes home the trophy and bragging rights in the city of Boston.

Exams may have just ended at Harvard, but the real tests are just about to begin. Let's take a closer look at some of the key factors in Harvard's opening round game with Northeastern.

Beanpot History: Harvard won the first one ever in 1952. Northeastern won the 28th back in 1980. Maybe that was the true Miracle on Ice. Harvard has nine victories, Northeastern four. History advantage, Harvard.

Famous Sports Alumnus: They've got Reggie Lewis. We've got Ted Donato, Don Sweeney and a few others. Ted, Don and Co. had great collegiate careers, but His Reggieness is a bona fide All-Star. Alumnus, slight edge to NU.

Inauguration of Presidents: They've got no luck. We've got all the luck. Harvard's last three Beanpot championships have fallen on inauguration years (`89,`81,`77). If you include Ford (he's easy to forget), make it the last five championships (we won in `74 and `69). The luck of Slick Willy, nod to Harvard.


Local Politicians in the News: They once had Dukakis (he taught there). But we can claim Dukakis (law school grad) as our own as well. What's more, we have Teddy Kennedy, who does more for Budweiser beer than he does for the state of Massachusetts. So we have two embarrassing politicians and they have none. Minus one to Northeastern.

Hobey Baker Awards: They've got zero. We've got three (the most of any school), and soon to be four. Northeastern has never even had a finalist. Let's face it, Harvard is to Hobey Baker as Notre Dame is to Heisman. Baker point to Harvard.

Team Colors: They've got black and red. We've got crimson and white. Harvard's colors mesh nicely. Not too dull, but not too flashy. Northeastern's are dark and lack contrast. Maybe it's an attempt to look intimidating. Problem is, Northeastern doesn't skate intimidating players. Aesthetic edge to Harvard.

Team Nickname: They're the Huskies. We're the Crimson. This one isn't even close. What kind of nickname is a color? Imagine: the Boston Green (Celtics), the Boston Black (Bruins), or the New England Red, White and Blue. Absurd. Some say it's simple and classy. I say it's plain and boring. Nickname, minus two Harvard.

School Presidents: They've got President Curry. We've got Neil Rudenstine. Neil was recently voted one of the 10 sexiest men by Boston Magazine. The man is smart, powerful and now sexy. What can't he do? Coolness of President, nod to Harvard.

School Rinks: They've got Matthews Arena. We've got Bright Hockey Center. Matthews holds 6,000. Bright holds only 2,800. A clash of two architectural styles. Tough call. Harvard, however, has a hockey Olympian as its Zamboni driver. Point to Harvard on the Zamboni factor.

Celebrity Performers: They've got Eddie Andelman. We've got Elizabeth Shue. Eddie's a local sports radio talk show host. He doesn't have the national recognition of Shue (who could forget her moving performance in "Adventures in Babysitting"), but he's close to a cultural icon in these parts. Shue's a personal favorite, but Eddie's simply too big. Celebrity performers, score one for the Huskies.

The Coops: They've got the Cooperative system. We've got the Harvard Cooperative (Coop). Their system gives students valuable working experience while still in school. The Harvard Coop gives its students valuable bankruptcy and headache experience, with its overpriced school books and never-ending lines. Even with the precious one percent student discount, the Harvard Coop doesn't measure up. The cooperatives, point for NU.

School Fight Songs: They've got "All Hail Northeastern." We've got "10,000 Men of Harvard". An anonymous Northeastern administration staff member labeled the Huskies song "stupid." She sang it to me, and I'd have to agree. So let's sing again, 10,000 men of Harvard gain victory today. Fight song, score for Harvard.

There you have it. The results are in. It's Harvard with an easy 5-2 victory. Now all that's left is the game itself. Look for a similar outcome.

John C. Ausiello is a Crimson Staff Writer
