
Fire Sends Adams C Residents Into Street

Several dozen residents of Adams House were evacuated from C-entry for approximately 15 minutes last night when a smoldering cigarette butt ignited a small fire in a women's restroom.

The fire was contained in the restroom, which is on the first floor in a common area, although thick plumes of smoke spread throughout the building.

"It was a white smoke," said Jason C. Marsden '94. "You could certainly smell it from the second floor."

"The security guard at the door to C-entry had a handkerchief over his nose and mouth, so it must have been pretty bad over there," Marsden said.

Cambridge Deputy Fire Chief William Rose said the fire was probably an accident, adding that investigators found no evidence of arson.


Several fires have occurred in C-entry over the past two years. At least one, which began in a paper-filled trash can, was considered a possible case of arson.

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