
Summer Enrollment Drops

Number of Foreign Students at Harvard Falls 7 Percent

The total number of students enrolled in the summer school declined slightly this year while the percentage of foreign students fell more dramatically, according to preliminary numbers complied by the registrar's office.

Susan McGee, registrar for the Division of Continuing Education, said yesterday that 5083 students were enrolled in the summer school, down from 5177 last year.

The number of foreign students declined by 7 percent, faster than the overall summer school enrollment drop-off of 2 percent. This year 1236 students enrolled in the summer school from foreign countries, down from last year's figure of 1339.

Although overall the number of foreign students declined, the English as a Second Language program increased its enrollment by 4 percent.

While the overall enrollment fell, the percentage of female students at the summer school rose 2 percent this year to 52 percent. There were 2643 women and 2440 men enrolled in the summer session, which ends today.


Approximately 970 students were enrolled in the secondary school program, about 20 percent of the student body. 8 SUMMER
