
Vigil Remembers Holocaust

Students, Faculty, Officials Read 15,000 Victims' Names

The names of Holocaust victims echoed from the steps of Widener Library yesterday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in observation of Holocaust Memorial Day, or Yom HaShoah.

Hillel organized the 12-hour vigil, in which participants read an estimated 15,000 victims' names.

Reciters included members of the Jewish community who are the children and grandchildren of survivors and victims.

Also, members of various campus ethnic organizations, including the Asian American Association, Raza and the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations, participated.

"I think it's wonderful that so many prominent ethnic communities have joined," said Ayelet K. Margalioth '94, coordinator of the Holocaust Memorial Day vigil.


"It's really heartwarming," said Margalioth.

Members of the faculty and administration of Harvard also participated including Dean of students Archie C. Epps III, Dillon Professor of International Affairs Joseph S. Nye and Dunster House Master Karel F. Liem.

Cambridge Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves '72, also showed his support for the memorial.

Memory and Warning "It functions as a memory and a warning," said Father Richard J. Malone of the Catholic Students Association. "I think it's crucially important we keep alive the memory of the Holocaust."

"This is above the time we're in," said E. Franklin Miller '94, minority student alliance representative for the Black Students Association.

"Killing of innocent people is horrible no matter who it is," stated Miller.

Other students also expressed support of the Holocaust memorial.

"I'm glad that they're doing this. It's very important. I think it's very moving," said Catherine O'Neill '92, a Catholic student.

"I'm very happy they're doing it. It reminds me of the Vietnam memorial. It brings [the Holocaust] close to home and personalizes it," said Dina Taylor, a third year student at the Law School.
