
Bears Shut Down Batswomen

Crimson Blanked by Brown in Doubleheader, Continues Offensive Slide

It's almost May but a quick glance at the Harvard softball bench yesterday afternoon revealed players bundled in capes and blankets.

The Crimson (16-13 overall, 0-6 Ivy), victims of four rainouts last weekend, finally encountered a dry field, but dropped both games of the doubleheader to Brown, 3-0 and 1-0.

With its two victories, Brown padded its record to 31-10 (6-2 ivy) and moved into second place in the Ivy League just behind Princeton.

The Bears have shown no signs of hibernation in this uncommonly cold spring, plowing through most of its competition regardless of weather conditions.

"Most of our games have been played drizzle," Brown pitcher Juliana Blaser said. "the weather in Providence is a lot like Gotham City's."


Harvard, on the other hand, has struggled in both rain and shine recently, facing strong pitching against Boston University, Providence and yesterday, Brown.

Although cold weather can make an Oil Can Boyd look like a Cy Young, Brown pitchers junior Christy Trexler and Blaser deserve full credit for their double shutout of Harvard.

"Our problems are a combination of poor hitting and not capitalizing on our chances," senior Liz Resnick said, "but it's tough to all of a sudden face good pitching this late in the season."

In the first game, Harvard batters hit the ball into fair territory only 10 times. Trexler, who threw hard and with good movement, struck out 14 players and did not allow a Crimson player to advance past first base.

Junior Kate Fitta led the sixth inning with a slap to right, but Brown right fielder, Sara Weaver caught Fitta at second on sophomore Nicole Desharnais' subsequent single, killing a potential rally.

Although Brown scored three runs off freshman pitcher Jen Kimble, it relied on opportunistic base-running and good execution rather than extra-base hits.

The top of Brown's order struck in the first and third innings in perfect fashion. Weaver drew a walk each time and advanced to second on a passed ball in the first and a wild pitch in the third.

Krissie Fairbanks placed two perfect sacrifice bunts and Shannon Blummer knocked Weaver home with RBI singles.

Later in the fifth inning, Blummer continued her mastery of Kimble with a double. She went on to score on Stacey Johansen's single to cement Brown's 3-0 victory .

Game Two
