
Roxbury Man Charged With Pudding Break-In

A Roxbury man was arraigned yesterday in a Cambridge district court on charges related to a break-in at the Upstairs at the Pudding restaurant this weekend.

Elmer F. Williams, 39, allegedly broke into the posh Holyoke Street restaurant and stole a purse belonging to one of the owners, said Harvard Police Chief Paul E. Johnson. He was arrested shortly afterwards, Johnson said.

Restaurant owner Deborah Hughes told police she found Williams in the kitchen of the 2 Holyoke St. restaurant at 7 a.m. Sunday.

Police reports indicate he sneaked in the night before and took a key to the Pudding. Johnson said he was not sure if the suspect used the key to reenter the building later that night.

Hughes said Williams protested after she spotted him. According to Hughes, Williams said, "I was just getting a drink. I just fell asleep here."


Allegedly Snatched Purse

Hughes said she told him to "get out of here" and called the Police. As he ran out the door, Williams snatched Hughes' purse, police officials said.

Officer John O'Kane arrested Williams minutes later on nearby Plympton Street.

Upon his arrest William yelled, "It wasn't me," according to Johnson.

Williams was charged with both larceny and breaking and entering.
