
W. Sailers Capture Duplin Trophy


The Harvard women's sailing team hit the jackpot by ousting perennial powerhouse Tufts for the Duplin Trophy this weekend at Mystic Lake.

"The key to the victory was consistency," senior Caitlin Murrey said. "We sailed a great regatta."

This women's intersectional regatta involved 12 squads from the New England area.

The Crimson's 42 points just barely edged Tuft's 43 for the triumph.

Harvard's A division boat was skippered by sophomore Jen Drohan and junior Amee Yunn. The B division sailed under Murrey and freshman Robin Coxe.


The Crimson has not won an intersectional in several years. And to defeat Tufts on its home course is a great feat in itself.

This weekend's victory was just the preparation for a much larger event--competition for the Reed Trophy, the qualifier for the New England Championships which takes place at Yale in three weeks.
