
The Man Behind The Wayne


Lorne Michaels is executive producer and creator of "Saturday Night Live", and more recently the producer of the box-office smash Wayne's World. In a recent interview with 15 Minutes, Michaels spoke of his experiences behind the scenes of both productions.

15 MINUTES: On its opening [Presidents' Day Weekend], Wayne's World broke the box-office record for that week-end, collecting $18 million. That's quite impressive.

Michaels: Yeah, well, it's great that that happened and I'm happy and all that shit, but I'm kind of hesitant to judge a movie by that standard.

15 MINUTES: How did you come up with the idea to produce Wayne's World?

Michaels: I thought there was enough material for a movie, so I asked Mike [Myers], who came up with the entire idea of Wayne's World to begin with, and then asked Dana [Carvey]. We finished writing the script last June and finished filming in July.


15 MINUTES: The Church Lady and the Coneheads were all popular skits. The last film spinoff of SNL was the Blues Brothers. Why Wayne's World?

Michaels: Basically, there was nothing else worth doing. We couldn't come up with enough material for any other script.

15 MINUTES: What is the future ofWayne's World?

Michaels: You mean, are we still going to do it on the show? Sure, if a skit works, we're not going to throw it out. That wouldn't help anyone.

15 MINUTES: What did you think of Mike and Dana when you first met them?

Michaels: A wife of a friend recommended that I see Mike when he was doing stand-up in Chicago a few years ago, and I absolutely loved him. Dana I saw at a comedy club in L.A. and loved him too.

15 MINUTES: Do you do most of the talent-scouting on SNL?

Michaels: Well, I try to go see a lot of shows in the summer, especially in Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Toronto. We're always looking for new talent.

15 MINUTES: How does one get to be a famous comedian on SNL?

Michaels: Granting sexual favors. No, actually, if someone really enjoys the industry, they will make it. And you can always tell if someone is having a good time in this industry.
