
And You Can Quote Me

"It's disgusting what's happened to the Square. It looks like a mall now. You can go anywhere in town and get the same things."

-Stephanie Henry, of Allston, during a visit to J.F. Olsson's, a gift shop which succumbed last week to the recession.

"A fucking tragedy. I think it's highly symbolic that we are moving from a world interested in social change to one dominated by interest in momentary consumer culture."

-David A. Plotz '92, former associate editor of The What Is to Be Done?, on the death of the weekly magazine and the birth of Fifteen Minutes.f

"The scientific data points to the fact that there is one human race, and it is African. Every other so-called race is a genetic offspring of the African race."


-Leonard Jeffries, a professor at the City University of New York, during his lecture in Sanders Theatre.

"I believe it is crucial for the Leonard Jeffries and the David Dukes of the world to freely express themselves."

-Hilda Hernandez-Gravelle, assistant dean for minority affairs and race relations, in a prepared statement read to protesters outside Sanders.

"Jeffries' presence here represents an insult to a majority of our population here at Harvard College. I'm thoroughly convinced that Jeffries represents evil."

-Martin L. Kilson, Thomson professor of government, about the Jeffries event.

"If Leonard Jeffries is what BSA and other sponsoring organizations think represents Black culture, then these groups do not represent the true sentiments and judgment of the Black community at Harvard or any other respectable place."

-J. Eliot Morgan '92, a reporter who alleges that Jeffries threatened his life.
