
B-School Student Assaulted, Robbed

In one of several crimes reported on Monday, a Harvard Business School student was assaulted near Hamilton Hall at the Business School.

Harvard University Chief of Police Paul E. Johnson yesterday said the assailant stole a watch and wallet containing $27 from the victim, Maury Pepperd, who was not injured in the incident.

According to the police report, the thief approached Pepperd from behind on North Harvard Way at 9:25 p.m. The assailant, holding a 10-inch kitchen knife, grabbed Pepperd's shoulder and told him to lie down on the ground.

Pepperd surrendered his wallet to the thief, who then demanded his watch and ring. According to the police report, the assailant took the watch but told Pepperd to keep the ring whenthe victim was unable to remove it from hisfinger.

The suspect then drove off in a car that hadbeen parked on North Harvard Street. Pepperddescribed the suspect as a white male, 6'0" to6'2," 180 pounds, with light blond hair andwearing a gray sweatshirt.

At 9:55 p.m. the police received a report of asimilar robbery at the corner of Broadway andTrowbridge. The suspect left the scene in a brownFord Fairmont, according to the police report.Police said they think the same person committedboth crimes.


Harvard and Cambridge detectives yesterday saidthey are working together to solve the case.

In another incident Monday, a thief broke intoa car parked at the Faculty Club, but stolenothing.

Harvard Faculty Club Manager Heinrich Lutjenssaid that at about 4 p.m. Monday, he heard his caralarm sounding from the Faculty Club lot.

When Lutjens reached the car, he said, he foundthe driver's side window smashed.

Lutjens said a Harvard police officer told himthe would-be thief had been tempted by an emptybriefcase lying in the back seat. The briefcasewas not taken
