
First-Years Party In Squash Court, Nabbed by Police

30 Students Sneak Into Hemenway

At least two students face disciplinary action for breaking into a campus squash court and throwing a party this weekend attended by approximately 30 first-years, according to witnesses and police reports.

The alleged hosts of the party--a Grays Hall resident and a Pennypacker Hall resident--obtained the key to the Hemenway squash court from a gym staff member, police reports indicate.

Harvard police did not press charges because they found no malicious or criminal intent.

The case is under investigation by the College's Administrative Board and will likely be heard next Tuesday.

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III refused to comment on the matter yesterday because it is a pending case, according to his assistant, Michelle Hewitt.


Police confiscated the Harvard identification cards of all the students at the party, but several of the students said the event's organizers have attempted to assume full responsibility for the incident.

A plainclothes Harvard officer discovered the party during a routine check of the Law School gym early Sunday morning, police said.

Neither alcohol nor drugs were provided at the event, according to police and several students at the party.

"The organizers of the party said there would be absolutely no drinking or smoking," said one student at the party. "It was a dance range. It's a shame it was broken up."

The hosts brought strobe lights and a red sirenlight to the squash court, as well as a"professional sound system" for dance music, saidthe student, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The party's organizers asked students to wearsneakers so the squash court would not be damaged,the student said.

The party began at approximately 12:30 a.m.Sunday and lasted only 20 minutes before policebroke it up, students said.

Attempts to Run And Hide

Several of the first-years attempted to run andhide when four Harvard officers arrived on thescene at about 1 a.m., police reported.

After the students were rounded up by thepolice, one first-year attempted to escape and was"physically stopped" by officers, according topolice reports.

Police officials said most of the studentscooperated fully with authorities.

Students attending the party praised it asinnovative and "totally cool."

"It was one of the coolest things that happenedat Harvard," one student said. "It was totallyunder control."

Another student who attended the partycriticized Harvard for its lack of entertainmentfacilities.

"There's nothing to do here after 1 a.m. exceptsit around in your room and get drunk. If the AdBoard wants to solve the problem and not just dealwith the consequences, they should providesomething else to do.
