

But Casino Night Hit Jackpot


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I am a senior who is well aware of the past failures of the Undergraduate Council. Suzanne Vega. The Spring Fest of 1990 in which there were more performers than members of the audience. I, like most of us (and certainly the Crimson), had little respect for the Council.

But it is time to give credit where credit is due. "Casino Night," sponsored by the UC, was the best-run UC event I have seen. There were professional dealers, excellent music, a good DJ and magician and a palm reader who knew the trade almost as well as "Mystic Rosa" of Harvard Square fame. The alcohol flowed cheaply and plentifully. Of the several hundred people who attended, the vast majority seemed to have a great time.

Hopefully, the UC can continue the success of Casino Night, and liven up the social scene at Harvard. Suzanne Vega? Who's that? Stephen M. Lebowitz '92
