
Klupinski Back at Harvard

Student' Treading Water' Until Spring Semester Begins

Two and a half months after a harrowing fall through a Claverly Hall fire escape, Lowell House resident Theodore P. Klupinski '95 is back at Harvard, healthy and happy to resume his academic life.

Klupinski fell three stories and fractured his skull on the pavement below on September 16 while watching Billy Crystal accept an award outside the Harvard Lampoon.

With no classes to attend, Klupinski said he's "treading water" until spring semester begins. But time spent reading, working out and running errands for his roommates is better than staying at home in Hudson, Ohio, he said.

"I felt so out of place," he said "There was no way I should have been in Ohio in October." Klupinski spent two months at home recovering from his injuries and arrived back at Harvard December 1.

Klupinski, who spent 11 days in Beth Israel Hospital in a light coma, suffered no permanent harm from his three-story fall which was witnessed by hundreds of students. He appears hale and healthy and says he is lifting weights on a regular basis.


However, the accident has disrupted Klupinski's academic plans. A chemistry concentrator, he was unable to take a required course offered only in the fall.

He said he plans to forge ahead despite this setback, but may have to take some easier classes.

Klupinski's roommates said they are glad to have him back. "[Ted's] return has brought up the energy level in the room...[his enthusiasm] is contagious," said Roel R. Torres '95.

They said the accident was a trying experience, which has affected their lives in the last two months. Xavier C. Badoux '95 said the trauma led to a slow start this semester.

"Its impact went beyond the academic level," Torres said.

House officials responded warmly to Klupinski's safe return.

"We are delighted to have him back. We look forward to having him here for three more years," says Lowell House Senior Tutor Alexandra L. Barcus.

Right now, Klupinski just wants to return to life as usual.

"I wish this whole thing was no big deal," he said.
