

Peace at Harvard


Thank you for your article on the upcoming Peace Games Festival ("PBH to Stage 'Peace Games"' November 3). While the article focused on the international aspect of the Festival, permit me to add a few bits of additional information.

The International Peace Games Festival at Harvard is a student-run organization that aims to encourage young people to create peace games with "win-win" situations in which players work together to think of imaginative ways to solve problems so that all benefit. We will send Harvard students to teach a three week curricular program this fall and spring to fourth through tenth graders in the greater Boston area.

The International Peace Games Festival will represent the culmination of the "peace" curriculum by having the young people present their peace games to one another. We will sponsor cooperative activities such as dancing, singing and jumping rope.

Educational booths at the festival will touch many issues of political, environmental, social and economic importance and will include such topics as racial awareness and tolerance.

The Peace Games Festival provides the opportunity to foster comraderie within the Harvard community by bringing together the many campus organizations to collaborate on a single project. H.A.N.D. and the Harvard Program for International Education have expressed interest in implementing the peace curriculum in their programs.


Other Harvard groups are encouraged to set up educational booths and provide entertainment.

While helping young people to resolve their conflicts peacefully, we hope that the festival will help those of us at Harvard incorporate the methods of cooperation and peace in our every day dealings with one another and bring us closer together as a community. David W. Wang   Founder and Coordinator International Peace Games at Harvard
