
Initiative Leaves Epps' Goals Unfulfilled

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III, Harvard's new race relations coordinator, this fall began the College's second comprehensive attempt in 15 years to develop a coherent approach to improving relations between ethnic groups on campus.

Last week, Epps announced the preliminary results of his investigation of campus race relations. Although Epps stresses that the evaluation is not nearly complete, it is nonetheless the beginning of what was billed as a complete re-evaluation of the system that failed to mitigate last spring's tensions.

But Epps' recommendations, released this week, leave many questions unanswered and do not necessarily fulfill the goals outlined by the dean for the course of this year.

At the beginning of the year, Epps said that his revaluation of campus race relations would "rely on careful surveys and statistics," as his 1980 report had.

But his description to The Crimson this week focused on talks with student groups, tutors and House officials, along with a detailed look at other institutions.


Epps articulated three new ideas to The Crimson last week including increased mediation training for students and race relations officials, a new booklet for undergraduates detailing the resources available to them to solve racial problems and emphasis on issues of diversity in the first-year orientation process.

Epps said earlier that he wanted to see more of the campus' race relations policy implemented through the house communities. The present Office of Race Relations and Minority Affairs and the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations could become "consultative bodies to houses."

Epps also said he wants to pursue a moreproactive approach to race relations. He wants tosee tensions like last spring's headed off beforethey begin, presumably through work done at thehouse level.

Dialogue and contact, both formal and informal,between diverse groups were also key aspects ofhis plan. A more student-directed policy wasanother goal--the dean has emphasized his opennessto student suggestions.

But the link between the new plans and thegoals previously articulated is somewhat unclear,although Epps said more initiatives will beforthcoming.

The booklet will better explain houseresources, but whether that is enough to convincemore people to make use of them remains to beseen.

Certainly, orientation is a first step inchanging student attitudes and provoking dialogue.But it is unclear how that process will becontinued once students move out of the Yard.

Mediation training cannot be provided to all ofthe student body, as Epps himself admits, and italso implies clearly defined interests on eitherend of the negotiation process. A trained mediatorcan hardly be present at all interactions betweenstudents of different races and interests.

While the house race relations tutors gavegenerally positive reactions to Epps' proposals,many are unsure of whether those proposals willhelp the dean reach his stated goals.

The question of how to use the houses toimprove intergroup relations is a difficult one toanswer, but any such attempt would likely involvethe present race relations tutors active in eachhouse.

Jeffrey Ferguson, race relations tutor in AdamsHouse, said that with tutors who are aware ofhouse dynamics, "a lot of things that become mediaincidents at Harvard could probably be nipped inthe bud."
