
UTEP Offers Students Teaching Certification


A wide variety of options are open to students interested in teaching, at a time when the nation's need for bright, committed educators has never been greater.

Opportunities are available for both public and private schools, and they will be there in the future: half of the nation's 2.5 million teachers in the public schools alone are expected to retire or resign in the next ten to fifteen years. With the increasingly diverse student population, minority teaching candidates are especially in demand.

The Undergraduate Teacher Education Program (UTEP) allows students to obtain certification to teach in middle or secondary schools not only in Massachusetts but also in states with which Massachusetts has reciprocity. Students fulfill a specific academic concentration while taking UTEP classes, which fulfill elective requirements. Entrance to the program requires an interview and approval by the UTEP classes, which fulfill elective requirements. Entrance to the program requires an interview and approval by the UTEP Admissions Committee, and inquiries should be directed to Rob Traver, the program administrator, at 492-3498.

Alternative routes to certification are an option for those who have not participated in UTEP. School systems with teacher shortages may permit applicants to begin teaching on a provisional basis while securing certification through classwork when the work day ends.

Teaching for America is a new and exciting program that allows recent graduates to teach in rural and urban public schools while obtaining certification. More information is available in the OCS Library in section D-3.


As a Harvard graduate with a solid liberal arts background, you could also be a strong candidate for teaching at a private school. New teachers are given the opportunity not only to perform classroom instruction (or assist a master teacher) but also to advise students and provide leadership in extracurricular activities or athletics. Dormitory supervision is usually a part of the boarding school teacher's job.

Any student considering teaching after graduation who has no experience in the classroom should consider teaching in a summer internship program. Many of these programs interview at OCS from January to March.

Remember that teaching can be an extremely rewarding experience, even those who choose to enter the profession only for a short term. Many students going on to graduate school are eager to use this talanted pool of college graduates.

To help you learn more, a number of workshops, panels and group meetings will be given at OCS throughout the academic year. Check the OCS weekly Newsletter. "Education" section for details.
