

soups at lunch instead of one, an expanded and more varied salad bar, and their favorite meals will be served more often, he said.

Of the 32 possible changes or enhancements listed in the survey, the students rated the provision of finals period snacks, the implementation of a recycling program and the removal of paper cups at the Union as the most important.

Berry said that during this semester's finals week the dining services will sponsor a late night deli bar and a taco bar in selected dining halls. By the beginning of fall semester, new recycling bins and new plastic cups will be in use at the Freshman Union, he said. If the new recyling program works well in the Union, it will be expanded to the Houses, Berry said. (See related article.)

Berry expects he will have "no problem" in implementing the changes that the students deemed the 10 most important. Many of the changes, including more special theme lunches and more deli bars have already been planned for next year, Berry said.
