
God Only Knows

Does this man know something we don't know? Probably. But does he know who the next president of Harvard will be? And could it be him?

Last fall, Harvard's presidential search committee outlined its ideal candidate--a young talented scholar with administrative experience, Harvard ties and a deep interest in education.

Now, the search is in the last stage, and committee members are likely focusing on more subtle qualities--character, personality and instinct for leadership.

In the past few weeks, the eight-member committee seemed deadlocked, interviewing top candidates and apparently struggling to decide among a small handful of respected individuals. So far, none has stood out as the obvious choice.

With a meeting of the Board of Overseers only three weeks away, the committee has stepped up the pace of its deliberations and is working to build a consensus for a final recommendation.


Originally, the selection was supposed to have been made at the beginning of February. Then, administrators began hinting at a March selection date. And two nights ago, one search committee member suggested that the appointment would not come until April.

When asked whether the committee will recommend a candidate by the April Overseers' meeting, Chair Charles P. Slichter Jr. '45 had only one thing to say. "God only knows."

The committee met for several hours at the New York offices of University Treasurer D. Ronald Daniel on Wednesday. As they left, members gave no indication that they had reached any sort of agreement.

The leading candidates are said to be Baker Professor of Economics Martin S. Feldstein '61, Andrus Professor of Genetics Philip Leder '56 and Neil L. Rudenstine, executive vice president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and former provost of Princeton University.

And in recent weeks, University of Chicago Provost Gerhard Casper has emerged as a potential front-runner.

At this point, Casper and Rudenstine appear to be the favorites, sources in the administration are saying. Both receive enthusiastic praise from their colleagues, and both boast valuable administrative experience.

Casper was one of Chicago's most successful law school deans, and he led a record-breaking capital campaign for that school. Appointed provost only two years ago, the 53-year-old scholar is already considered by many to be University of Chicago President Hanna H. Gray's heir apparent.

But search committee members may have reason to be concerned with how Casper would fare here at Harvard--which has a much less centralized administrative structure than Chicago. In addition, Casper holds no Harvard degree and has no clear ties with any of the faculties.

Casper's two-year tenure as provost also falls short of Rudenstine's successful ten years as Princeton's provost. And Rudenstine is said to have the strong Harvard ties that Casper lacks.

The 56-year-old Renaissance literature scholar earned his doctorate at the University, taught here for four years and has numerous friends on the Faculty. Indeed, Rudenstine and his wife are said to be close friends of outgoing President Derek C. Bok.

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