

Dole Undergoes Surgery for Prostate Cancer

WASHINGTON--Senate Republican leader Bob Dole of Kansas underwent surgery yesterday for prostate cancer. Doctors said his chances for a full recovery were excellent.

Dole's prostate was removed in a two-hour operation at Walter Reed Medical Center.

In a statement issued by Dole's office, physicians said the cancer was "small and clinically localized within the gland." There was no evidence the cancer had spread beyond the prostate, according to the statement.

Dole, 68, has not announced whether he will seek re-election in 1992. He indicated several months ago that his health would be a factor in the decision.

Dole is expected to remain in the hospital for a week. His spokesperson, Walt Riker, said that no follow-up treatment is planned.


Dole's cancer was detected early and that greatly improved his chances for recovery, according to the statement. In addition, Dole was described as having a "robust physical condition."

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