
New Ski Club To Meet; Giving Out Ski Passes

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The Harvard Ski Club, founded this year by three undergraduates in the hopes of getting more Harvard skiers out on the slopes, is having an introductory meeting tomorrow night.

The club's founders said they hope to get skiers on campus in touch with one another.

"We basically want to start a network of recreational skiers on campus, who know who the other skiers are, and can get some trips going... We just want to link people up on campus," said co-founder Rebecca A. Murray '95.

Eric Schnell '93, another founder of the club, said that they will be as active as the membership calls for.

"We're not a high stress organization. We hope to plan trips, especially for intersession and spring break. It really will depend on the activity of the members," he said.


"Last year there was a lot of interest sparked for the ski club, but we didn't quite get things going," said Amir Khosrowshahi '93, the other club co-founder. "This year we're trying to harness that interest."

The ski club also hopes to provide discounts on equipment and student deals. The club is in the process of being officially recognized by the intramural committee.

The movie Into the Groove, a promotional film featuring skier Greg Stumps, will be shown at tomorrow night's meeting, and four, free day passes will be given out for Sunday River, a mountain resort in Maine.

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