
The Republicans

Occupation: State representative; House minority leader

Date of birth: October 10, 1949

Personal background: Pierce was born in Johnstown, N.Y. The son of a carpenter, he was raised in Westfield. He received a B.A. in economics from Union College in 1971, and graduated from Duke University Law School in 1974. He lives with his wife, Mary Jane, in Westfield. They have one son.

Work and political experience: Pierce is serving his sixth term in the House, and is the House minority leader. He received the GOP party's endorsement for governor.

Major political positions: Pierce is a fiscal conservative who supports the Citizens for Limited Taxation tax rollback initiative, although he has said he would be willing to delay the proposal until June. Pierce opposes abortion, except in cases of rape or incest. But he says he would honor the state's constitution--which allows for abortion in line with Roe vs. Wade--even if the U.S. Supreme Court allows states to impose restrictions on abortion.
