

Law School Fills New Endowed Chair

Law School administrators yesterday announced the appointment of Professor Hal S. Scott to a new three million dollar endowed chair at the Law School.

Scott, a specialist in international banking law, is the first Nomura Professor of International Financial Systems.

"Professor Scott has established an international reputation for his expertise in United States and foreign banking law...and in the effects of government policies on the performance of financial markets, especially in emerging money markets and capital markets in Asia," said Dean of the Law School Robert C. Clark in a press release.

At Harvard since 1975, Scott has advised European Community leaders on Western Europe's proposed monetary union and IBM on its international transactions.


A spokesperson for Nomura, the company that endowed the chair, said it hoped the donation would "encourage and recognize the trend toward scholarship and research in international finance." The Tokyo-based Nomura Securities Company, the world's largest, directly manages approximately $120 billion and acts as custodian for more than five million investors.

President Derek C. Bok said in a press release that "as prospects for a global economy increase, Law School faculty and graduates can play important roles in that process. The Nomura Chair will help in this development by strengthening the study of regulations and policies as they affect financial systems throughout the world."

Council to Consider Election Irregularities

A week after announcing the winners of this year's elections, the Undergraduate Council's executive board is reconsidering the results of at least one House election.

Evan B. Rauch '91, a member of the executive board, said yesterday that the tallies in the Cabot House elections appeared to contain errors. Specificially, he said, the final vote count--which gave a narrow victory to Robert A. Martinez '92 over Wayne W. Yu '92--was statistically impossible.

"I recounted last night with one other person but nothing official can be said until the executive board rules on it," said Christopher J. Borgen '91, the council's treasurer. He would not disclose any more details.

The Undergraduate Council uses a variation of the proportional representation system--which is used by the city of Cambridge--to tally votes. The system is designed to insure that second and third prefence votes still count.

Meanwhile, Rauch said another student who lost his election bid--Jeffrey M. Perlman '93--may appeal the results of a Mather House race.

According to Rauch, Perlman alleges that Samuel K. Nelson '92, who won a seat from Mather, violated elction guidelines by speaking "to total strangers within 10 to 15 feet of the polls."

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