
New Graduate Caprio Votes For Dukakis

ATLANTA--On Super Tuesday, Frank T. Caprio '88 was elected as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island. And Wednesday night, Caprio was in Atlanta, casting his vote for Bay State governor and Democratic nominee Michael S. Dukakis.

Caprio, who graduated just last month with a degree in economics, was attending his third Democratic national convention--he was on hand in New York City in 1980 and in San Francisco in 1984.

Caprio decided to back Dukakis after hearing the governor speak last August. Dukakis spoke about dealing with drugs and with improving education, and Caprio said Dukakis' address "really struck a nerve in me. I really saw the country going the wrong way."

Caprio spoke glowingly of Dukakis. "He's part of the American dream: going from a small brick house in Brookline to the large White house on Pennsylvania Avenue. He straightened out Beacon Hill and now he's going to straighten out Capitol Hill," Caprio says.

Caprio's family has always been active politically. His father was a Providence city councillor and has also been a delegate, and Caprio is quick to give his family credit for his selection.


"We won--I don't consider this a victory that I just won," he said. Caprio placed advertisements in his town paper, and enlisted the help of family and friends, who "called everyone we could think of." On election day, Caprio supporters were stationed at key polling places and he finished fourth among Dukakis delegates in his district, topping 21 other candidates.

Caprio says one of the convention highlights for him came when he met New York Gov. Mario M. Cuomo. Cuomo, surrounded by supporters and reporters, turned to greet Caprio when the delegate shouted an affectionate Italian word for "friend." Caprio says the governor "turned around instinctively" and visited with him for a few moments.

After the convention, Caprio said he will return to New England: he'll be a studying law this fall at Suffolk Law School. After passing the bar, he speculates he may have a future in Rhode Island politics.

"If I feel I may be needed on the scene, then I may get involved," he adds.

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