
Counter to Meet Board About N.Y. School Job

Director of the Harvard Foundation S. Allen Counter Jr. will meet with the chancellor of City University of New York (CUNY) and other officials later this week to discuss whether he will agree to assume the presidency of Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, a CUNY source said yesterday.

"Dr. Counter will be meeting with senior [CUNY] administrators this week to review the status of the Medgar Evers appointment," the source said, adding that CUNY, the parent school to Medgar Evers, would like the matter to be resolved "expeditiously."

Counter could not be reached for comment yesterday. In an interview late last week from Stockholm, where he was doing research, Counter said he would reach a decision by late this week, after he had returned to Boston. Research assistants in Sweden said yesterdaymorning that Counter had returned to the UnitedStates.

There has been confusion surrounding theappointment since the college, named for the slaincivil rights leader, announced two weeks ago thatCounter had accepted the post, after having beenunanimously selected to be its president by theBoard of Overseers of CUNY.

Counter maintains that he accepted onlycandidacy for the position, and not the role ofpresident, and that he has not reached a decisionyet. Officials at CUNY have said Counter iscurrently finalizing negotiations.


A spokesman for Counter, Edward L. Doyle, saidyesterday that Counter will discuss the matterwith his attorney before making a decision.

Counter, if he accepts the post, will replaceMedgar Evers' acting president, Dr. Leo A. Corbie,who would then resume his duties as vicechancellor for student affairs and specialprograms.

Medgar Evers was founded in 1969 as a four-yearcollege, but was turned into a community collegeduring the 1976 New York fiscal crisis. CUNY haspetitioned New York state to reinstate the schoolas a senior college. Medgar Evers currently handsout both two and four-year diplomas
