
Short Takes

Student Arts Group Opens Exhibit Tonight

Student artists will exhibit their work in a show opening tonight in the Buttrick Room of Memorial Church, members of a new student group for the promotion of the visual arts said yesterday.

The show will be the first this year in a series of student exhibitions sponsored by Triptych, an undergraduate group that gained formal status this year. Other topics will include music and fiction reading, said Chloe A. Breyer '91, who gathered the artwork for tonight's show.

Opening night for the exhibition will include entertainment by Peter H. Schwarz '91, who will play folk music on the electric fiddle and harmonica, said co-coordinator Allison C. Humenuk '91. The show includes a range of artwork, said Breyer, including photography, painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture.

"We are not aiming toward perfect, polished pieces of artwork," said Breyer. She said that although most submissions came from Visual and Environmental Studies concentrators, several came from students in introductory art classes.


Triptych members said they invited all student artists to submit work, whatever the type, said co-coordinator Juliette N. Kayyem '91. The exhibition, which includes about 35 pieces by 25 artists, has no specific theme.

Triptych plans to hold four other shows this year, said Kayyem. She said the next, set for December, will focus on music, and will probably include four or five of musicians playing original compositions in different styles.

The show is scheduled to open at 7:30 p.m.

Freshmen Adorn John Harvard Statute

The tourists who gathered around the John Harvard statue Saturday morning saw the same one that millions of previous visitors have seen--with one exception.

The statue was draped with toilet paper.

The culprits were two mischievous freshmen who pulled the prank "just for fun," said one of the students, who refused to give his name. "We were watching 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes,' and then we didn't have anything to do," he said.

"So, at 3:30 a.m. we went into Stoughton [Hall] South with a garbage bag," he said, "and we took every single roll of toilet paper, even the ones in the stalls."

The pair then put a bag filled with toilet paper on the statue's lap and draped the statue with the remaining rolls, he said.

The toilet paper was removed by 10 a.m.

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