
Doctor Sued On Drug Charges

Former Med School Instructor Charged by DEA

A former instructor at the Harvard Medical School has been charged by federal and state authorities with selling painkillers and tranquilizers without a licence.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) filed charges last week against Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon, who was an instructor of neurology at the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Woman's Hospital from 1984 to 1986. The DEA's civil action suit, which seeks $5 million in damages, follows criminal charges filed earlier against Ungar-Sargon by the state of Massachusetts.

Ungar-Sargon was working at the now defunct Manomet Medical Center in Plymouth at the time of his arrest.

Brockton District Attorney O'Malley said that the state has charged Ungar-Sargon with two counts of unlawful distribution of a class (B) controlled substance. The charges carry a maximum penalty of up to ten years imprisonment.

O'Malley said that Ungar-Sargon is accused of "issuing prescriptions without medical basis and of having prescriptions issued by personnel not entitled to distribute those prescriptions."


Jack Crowley, a spokesman for the DEA, told the Quincy-Patriot Ledger yesterday that "the U.S. attorney felt what went on here was so outrageous that the additional suit should be brought,"

However, defense attorney Nancy Gertner told the Ledger yesterday that the federal suit was "an absolute outrage. The feds have no right to beat [Ungar-Sargon] down by underlining charges that are identical to those he faces in state court."

The state's case first appeared before Brockton Superior Court Judge Harry Elam on November 3rd. At that hearing, Gertner argued motions to dismiss the case. The court is still considering those motions at this time.

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