
Yale President Beats Bok In Brown Student Ballot

Brown seniors like President Bok, but they apparently like Yale President A. Bartlett Gramatt and novelist Micc M. Walker even better.

Bok, one of three finalists for a Brown award for contributions to higher education finished third in a runoff election March 22, said Kiran Sidhu one of the two Brown seniors who organized the award competition.

It Beats Harvard

Gramatt who won the first annual Senior Class Award received 116 Notes. Walker received 103 Notes, which Bok totalled 79.

As a result of his victory, award organizers have invited Giamatti to speak on issues regarding universities and their role in the public arena during Brown's Senior Week this Spring.


Although Brown encourages a good student faculty dialogue regarding the quality of professors and administrators, this award is the first attempt to analyze the quality of educators at other schools, said Andrew Moses '85, who ran the balloting.

Moses could not explain why the President of Yale defeated the President of Harvard in the runoff election.

Citing that the competition was "extremely subjective" and that it was an honor just to be named a

finalist, Moses stressed that the result of the balloting do not reflect a bias against Harvard in the Brown senior class

Bok earned the respect of the Brown student and has contributed to education "by his ability to manage successfully such a large researching institution, the finest in the country," said Moses

"Just because a senior voted for Giamatti over Bok doesn't mean that he thinks Yale is better than Harvard or vice versa, "he added

Two weeks ago members of the Brown Class of '85 originally nominated Bok and over 30 other educators "Who have made an impression'" for the award

Other nominees included the Rev Jesse L Jackson, Timothy Leary, Agassiz Professor of Geology Stephen J. Gould, George Kennan , and astronomer Carlsagan

College Professors and administration affiliated with Brown were not eligible for the award
