


None scheduled



House Hockey


Quincy and Kirkland Houses triumphed in the Intramural Hockey semi-finals played last night to virtually empty stands in Bright Arena. The absent fans missed out on the exciting action of Quincy's 4-2 victory over Winthrop and Kirkland's heated, narrow 2-1 win against Eliot.

Quincy's coach, Phil Prince '86, noted that his team's resolve to beat Winthrop stemmed from a defeat in last year's tournament. "Winthrop got our goat last year and we weren't going to let it happen again." Prince said.

The two goals apiece by John Schulman and Captain Jeff McGuire are testimony to the outstanding offensive play that made Quincy's good natured revenge possible.

The second contest of the evening--between Kirkland and Eliot--proved to be an evenly-matched confrontation. Kirkland's play was characterized by the impenetrable defense of Rufus Clark, and the hard shooting of the offensive line.

Kirkland's two goals, scored by Scott Amero and Jim McLaughlin, came early in the first half. Eliot's phenomenally talented goalie, Jon-Leiberman, kept Kirkland's barrage of shots out of the net.

Kirkland and Quincy meet tonight to decide the championship.
