
Fluke Pin Spoils Grapplers' Title Hopes

Matmen Take Yale and Second Place

It all seemed so sure.

Harvard was about to take a share of the Ivy League wrestling title for the first time ever.

Then Columbia's Miles Vuklevic pinned himself, and the title was gone.

Thank you, Miles.

Despite the fact that the matmen swept by Yale this weekend, and despite one of their finest seasons in years, the Crimson (13-6 overall and 5-1 in the Ivies) would up second in the standings because of a fluke pin in this--weekend's Columbia Princeton match.


To take a share in its first title in the 29-year history of Ivy League wrestling. Harvard had to defeat Yale, and then count on either Columbia or Cornell to defeat or the Princeton. And the chances of such a combination were not at all unlikely.

Harvard came through and despite a strong effort by the Elis, took Yale 28-18.

Now it was up to Columbia. If the Lions defeated the Tigers, they would tie Harvard and Princeton for a three-way split of the crown.

The match was nip and tuck and by the time Columbia's 177-lb. Miles Vuklevic stepped onto the mat it was clear that one more victory by Columbia would put the Tigers away.

Vuklevic stormed out to a 10-1 lead, and took his Princeton opponent to his back. The move he pulled was one where the man in control is also on his back but is supposed to keep his shoulders up.

Unfortunately, Vuklevic shifted his weight the wrong way, and in an instant it was over.

He had pinned himself.

No title for Columbia and no title for Harvard.

Thank you, Miles.

Princeton then went on to defeat Cornell, and remain alone atop the Ivy League wrestling heap.
