

"After 20 years, you have to have some regrets, but I'm sure Sage's will do a decent job," said Cahaly.

If hasn't an easy decision. I could have been here 10 more years. It was time to make a change," he said.

One student, Michael O. Minor '87, expressed characteristic dismay. "Sage's prices are way too high, they're a rip-off. I'm very upset about this, he said."

Cahaly said he would spend most of his time in Cambridge and leave the new Florida Cahaly's to someone else "I wanted to concentrate on clothing, but I didn't choose to go this way," he added.

"The students had a lot of loyalty, but things will work out for the best this way.".


A grill person at Tommy's Lunch, a late-night eatery which adjoins Cahaly's downplayed the importance of loyalty, saying students would likely adapt to Sage's without much hardship.

He added that McMillan does not, as a rule, like food places, but maintained that Tommy's was in no danger of being evicted.

"Who knows, maybe I'll come back some day," Cahaly said. In the meantime, he added, he would be happy to take care of anyone in Florida for spring break.
