
Asian Cultural Show

Harvard's six Asian student organizations will present their third annual cultural show which includes Asian folk dances, songs and poetry on March 10 in the Leverett House dining hall.

"We see this as an excellent way to share Asian culture with the Harvard community," show coordinator Albert C. Lin '85 said yesterday. The show, which Lin calls "purely just a cultural event," is partially funded by the Harvard Foundation and the Undergraduate Council.

The show will include everything from an exhibit of art and photographs and demonstrations on Chinese calligraphy. Japanese origami and woodblock printing to a martial arts exhibition, and a fashion show of Indian and Pakistani clothing.

The $4 admission for the 8 p.m. show will include a free party following the performances.

The council is funding a videotaping of the event.


Besides the Chinese Student Association, other groups involved in the production are the Asian-American Association. Japanese Cultural Society, Koreans of Harvard Radcliffe, Radcliffe Asian Women's Group and the South Asian Organization.
