
First You Register


IT HAS BECOME somewhat fashionable to criticize American government and, often in the same breath, democracy itself. Yet it is the same democracy American attack, which allows them the freedom to voice those criticisms. Many rightfully consider this country's from of government the hottest commodity the United States has going for it-especially those foreigners who do not enjoy the luxury of free speech and free expression.

Yet the vote, the Americans' ultimate political voice, frequently goes unused because of apathy towards the choices from the Democratic and Republican parties or simple laziness. More people watched the last episode of the television series M * A * S * H than voted in the last Presidential election. The problem is particularly severe among college-aged students-of the some 28 million eligible to vote in 1980, 17 million did not bother to vote, while another 14 million did not even register.

Student organizations at Harvard and nationally have taken steps to encourage voter registration and turnout. Members of the Student Advisory Committee for the Institute of Politics (IOP) have planned a convention-style evening for Tuesday at 7 p.m. Students who come can arrange for an absentee ballot application from their home state, and learn about some of the issues in the 1984 Presidential campaign. The following weekend, a National Student Conference on Voter Registration will be held at Harvard.

Students should support the efforts at the IOP and the next weekend's national event. Registering and receiving information this week is the first step, voting in November is the lasting one.
