


To the Editors of The Crimson,

I whole-heartedly support your decision to discontinue Bloom Country as The Crimson's comic strip. It's about time. I agree with your contention that the emotional stability of homosexuals and other social types is so fragile that this comic strip could cause them due anxiety. Although the rest of the country is reading and enjoying Bloom Country, I'm glad you had the sense to protect the Harvard community from this offensiveness. Who needs humor that lampoons our confused social mores? As a replacement, I suggest Heathcliffe. It's not funny and lacks insight, but at least it won't offend anyone. Too long have I felt the barbs of Berke Breathed's satire and am glad you have censored him. A grateful Penguin   Committee for Social Responsibility   (Transcribed by Allen Glazier '86)

P.S. Is there anyway you can help me remove about 500 books from Lamont Library? The Harvard community should be protected from these also.
