
Wrestlers Down Princeton

With fifty seconds gone in the first period of his match, Harvard heavyweight Jim Phills pinned Princeton's Vic Rauterbush to gain a 20-19 victory over one of Harvard's leading opponents for the Ivy League title. Combined with a 29-15 victory over Penn on Friday, the Crimson stands tied for first place in the League with Cornell with 2-0 records.

The wrestlers boosted their season record to 12-3-1 with four wins against one loss over the weekend. Besides the Ivy League competition, the team had three other tough opponents, beating Delaware St., 20-17, and James Madison, 27-17. The team's only loss over the weekend came against Franklin and Marshall, 23-17.

The team is looking forward to next weekend, when they face Columbia and Boston College at home on Friday, and Cornell on Saturday, with the winner of the Cornell match probably claiming the Ivy League title.
