
The Best Gift


MICK JAGGER may say, "Too much blood," but the Red Cross doesn't. The holiday season is traditionally a low blood-donation time, and this week's completion of the Harvard drive is a perfect opportunity to counteract that.

Blood is only about eight percent of your body weight, and if you are in good health and weigh at least 110 pounds, the volunteers at Mem Hall will be happy to help you part with one pint of the eight to 11 you have.

The blood you donate may go directly to its recipient in the form of a transfusion, or be broken down into its components to help victims of leukemia, hemophilia, or other diseases.

Blood is known as "the gift of life" for a good reason, and during the holidays, few gifts will be appreciated as much as this one. So stop by Mem Hall for about half an hour one day this week, and get part of your holiday shopping done early. There's no better way to be a true "Secret Santa."
