
Cornell Frat Harassment

A Weekly Survey of News From Other Campuses

Members of the Delta Chi fraternity at Cornell University allegedly sexually harassed a female student at a party two weekends ago

The victim, who requested anonymity, was reportedly ready to depart at 4 a.m. on Sunday December 4, when fraternity members made vulgar sexual comments and began to take their clothes off, according to an article in the Cornell Daily Sun last week.

She was allegedly cornered, and released only when another fraternity member arrived, dispersing the group.

Her male companion, who also asked not to be named, was hit in the stomach by a guest at the party and told to leave the building.

The male told the student newspaper two fraternity members "backed her into a corner and were telling her they wanted to have sex with her."


There was no physical injury to the female student.

The Ithaca Police Department is investigating the incident, and refused to divulge any information about the matter.

Cornell junior Arthur Keith. Treasurer of Delta Chi, also refused to comment last week and even denied that the incident had taken place. "We are one of the more respected frats on campus." Keith added.

The female student complained about the harassment to Dean of Students David Drink-water who could not be reached for comment last week.
