
BC President Withdraws Reprimand To Professor

A Weekly Survey of News From Others Campuses

The president of Boston College has withdrawn his reprimand to a BC professor for writing an open letter to the BC student paper. The professor's lettter criticized the growing emphasis on "Big Money" athletic at the college.

The reprimand was withdrawn last week after the professor apologized in a written letter to the paper.

The action taken by BC President Father Donald Monan was said to be the first official reprimand ever issued against a BC professor, according to an editorial in the Heights--the student paper.

William Sanzski, a BC spokesman said, "There is no such things as a reprimand in the by-laws of the university" and added that if such a reprimand had occured he did not know what it would mean.

The professor chairman of the sociology department Michael Males, said yesterday. "Nobody knows what a reprimand means it seems a warning shot fired across my how telling me that I've displeased the president."


Males a letter called for greater faculty involvement in setting the standards for admitting athletes and for maintaining standards for athletes who are admitted. His letter expressed concern about the large amounts of money available to this year's winning football team and the pressure such money might put on a university president.

According to the Heights three home games have been played away from home this year in order to make more money. We've never had to move a game away from home because of TV before. Rather than the convenience of students, they took the money said sports editor Mike Rolfe.

Monon refused to comment on the reprimand of the letter. A statement from the BC news office last week had said that Fr Monan would not initiate comment on the relationship of faculty members to the university.
