
X-Rated Penn

A Weekly Survey of News From Other Campuses

Despite strong protests by a women's students group and two top university of Pennsylvania plans to show the X-rated film "Insatiable" on campus this week.

The Penn Union Council (PUC) decided this week to show the controversial film, citing the movie's popularity. The council doesn't have the right to shape students attitudes on pornography, the group added.

"We base our decision on which movies to show in part by reviewing past attendance records," states the council's open letter to the school.

"By doing this, we attempt to show movies which reflect the tastes of the campus. We do not believe that we should be made a catalyst for social and moral change on the Penn campus," the letter adds.

Upenn President Sheldon Hackney said h would not overturn the council's decision.


"Although I'm disappointed about their decision. I hope they will continue to think things over carefully when they make programming decisions in the future," he said. "I think in the future if they think about this they will change their minds."

Women's Alliance member Vicki Bernstein said she is dismayed by the council's decision.

"I do feel defeated, but the ultimate battle is not with PUC," she said. "It's with the attitudes that prevail throughout the community that condone pornography." --The Daily Pennsylvanian
