


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I take issue with the letter in the Crimson (4-30 82) highlighting the "positive contributions" that the Race Relations Foundation has made on campus. The laboratory positions that Dr. Counter helped "secure" for many students existed long before he became director of what is indeed. "An Infirm Foundation." He has only been effective in putting certain minority students in tough when certain programs that already existed.

As for the issue of non-minority students ignoring the Foundation, well, quite frankly, they probably should As far as I know, none of the campus wide minority organizations have found Dr. counter or the Race Relations Foundation a suitable response by the administration to the issue of minority affairs. For this reason, Dr. Counter has found it necessary to proselytize mainly minority freshmen to his cause. I was present at a Black Students Association meeting when Dr. Counter stood at the back of the room and took down names, again, mainly of freshmen as they left while informing them that there were paid positions available through him in a local tutoring program. Dr. Counter has also made statements that would tend to pit one minority group against another.

Although only a half-time employee of University Hall, Dr. Counter appears to have an edge on the minority associations whose legitimacy he wishes to usurp. He knows the axiom "divide and conquer" and has learned how to apply it quite effectively.
