
K-School Graduate Brian Huntly Dies

Brian A. Huntly, a 1982 graduate of the Kennedy School of Government, died last week of a heart attack. He would have been 27 years old on November 12.

Huntly, described by colleagues as a "brilliant" expert in international communications, had been working toward Ph. D at Oxford University in England.

"Brian was an extremely bright guy who was really moving up," friend and K-School classmate Dun Cosgrove said this week. "He was truly loved by all his friends."

A 1978 graduate of Stanford University, Huntly had already conducted extensive research on satellite communication for the Irish development authority, Cosgrove said.

A scholarship fund has been established in Huntly's name and will benefit students in the Stanford department of economics.


He is survived by his mother, Sarah Huntly, of Salem, Ore.

A memorial service will be held on November 12 at Christ Church on Garden St., Cambridge.
