
Fund Dedicated To the Memory of Slain Doctor

University officials and dozens of alumni gathered Saturday at the Kennedy School of Government to dedicate a scholarship in memory of slain doctor and author Michael Halberstam '53.

Donations from more than 300 people raised more than $110,000 for the scholarship fund, and a recipient will be picked within a few weeks, Milton Gwintzwek '54, who helped organize the campaign said.

President Bok called the quick fund raising testimony to a "virtuous man" and said Harvard had done something shape Halberstam, who was killed when he surprised a burglar late last fall.

Halberstam's brother David--the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Best and the Brightest--told stories of Michael's exploits as an undergraduate, and told Bok he hoped a recipient with the same "exuberance and joy" as his brother could be found for the prize.
