

Swift at CFIA, Frazier Resignation

Elizabeth Ann Swift '62, one of the 52 Americans held hostage in Iran for more than a year, will return to Cambridge in the fall as a fellow at the Center for International Affairs (CFIA). Swift, who was the second highest ranking political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, accepted the position this week, saying. "I am very pleased and honored to be invited to be a CFIA fellow. It is a marvelous opportunity for me."

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Citing a lack of time, Dr. Howard S. Frazier, master of Currier House, told residents of the House this week that he would resign as master effective at the end of the spring term. Frazier, who is in his second year as master, is also a professor of Medicine at the Medical School and director of the Center for the Analyses of Health Practices. "I cannot, in the time available, do the job as I would like, or as all of you deserve," Frazier wrote in a letter to residents announcing his plans.

"By the second semester of this year, I was mainly fighting fires, which I regard as bad management. If you can't get ahead, it's no use," Frazier said.
