
Northwestern Visits ITT As Racquetwomen Debut

The Harvard women's tennis team hopes to improve on a successful fall season when it opens its spring campaign at the ITT against Northwestern this Sunday at noon.

The Crimson has never faced Northwestern before, and Captain Martha Roberts expects the visitors to have a number of very good players.

The racquetwomen finished off the fall with a second place showing at the New England Championships at Amberst. Roberts and Yardling Maria Pe teamed up to take the doubles title at that meet, but the Crimson narrowly lost the overall crown to Yale.

Roberts, Pe. and especially sophomore Tina Bougas--who lost her New England singles title to Yale's Kris di Mambro at Amherst--all get a chance to avenge that loss in their only other home meet, April 18 against the Elis.

Between now and then the women will find themselves in California over spring break for a nine-day training trip and six matches against Colorado, Washington, Michigan State, San Diego, Cal Polytech, and Cal Santa Clara.


The racquetwomen's line-up for Northwestern will be very similar to the final fall order. Bougas, Pe. Erica Schulman, Roberts, and Meg Meyer look to hold down the top five singles slots, with the sixth spot being filled by either Abby Meiselman or an injured Debbie Kalish. The three doubles teams will be Pe and Roberts. Bougas and Schulman, and Meyer with either Kalish or Meiselman.

If Sunday's match in any way approaches the quality of play that the Crimson displayed this fall, then Northwestern may not take home fond memories of its trip East.
